Saturday, November 1, 2008

Delicious, Technorati, LibraryThing

Hi again. Today I reran the Technorati searches on "bookmobile" and "nswpln2008". This time I found 11 blogs with "bookmobile" in them. I tried an advanced search for "nswpln2008" and clicked "find posts tagged" with that term. Although I didn't find any blogs when I selected the "blogs" tab, I found more than seven pages of photos tagged "nswpln2008" under the "photos" tab. Many were by the same person. Thanks for the tip.

Another useful thing I discovered today was the "language" field in the top right hand corner of the Blogger programme. I learnt how to select English as the language when the default language was Korean, at an internet cafe.

I am finding this course very interesting and hope to complete it by the end of the year. I wonder when it will be taken offline?

I will try to add a link to my LibraryThing account. It isn't working - there is a JavaScript error - I will try again later.

This is pmarydu's account on Delicious.

I tried to add this as a gadget on the right hand side of my blog but when I typed in the URL the system wouldn't accept it. I wonder if there is a way I can add it there with a Delicious icon.

For the Technorati searches this week, I tried as a keyword search and an advanced search and found 268 posts both times. They seemed to be in date order, newest first. Then I tried a "tag search" in advanced search. I got 39 posts.

I couldn't find any results for using any of these 3 methods. Can it be that nswpln2008 blogs are invisible to Technorati? or somehow private because they are training blogs?


pls@slnsw said...

Hi Marylouise,
I think I followed the instructions here for adding delicious to my blog. I chose a tag cloud and it took a bit of tweaking to make it work.
As for the Technorati search, when you do the search (say for bookmobile) the results are arranged in little tabs - just make sure you click on the blogs tab. Then you'll see some results.
Hope that's useful.
Kathleen A.

pls@slnsw said...

Oops, here's the delicious instructions link: